10 Pages Excerpt (in French)

Script for a Feature Film

I wrote this Sci-Fi script during the year in the Graduate Diploma in Communication Studies at Concordia. It was written with the help of my teachers—Ken Briscoe and Brian Lewis—and the critiques of my classmates. It wasn’t my first feature-length script, but it was my first time tackling genre movies.

Doing this project, I learned better revision techniques as I was unsatisfied with the direction of the story halfway through the school year. My script was becoming a thriller pointing technology as morally bad, which didn’t reflect my initial idea. In the winter semester, I learned how to reappropriate the story. I re-infused the ironies and absurdities of using new technology that made me pursue this script in the first place. One of the ways I achieved it was by adding annoying holographic ads everywhere my characters go.


In 2043, the Shell is a layer of augmented reality that everyone accesses with the help of brain implants. Everyone, but William who is considered handicapped and is given access to a physical computer as a result. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable, especially Jacques who was hired by the creators of the technology that made the Shell ubiquitous to protect it from potential piracy or revolution.